The Station

We're a member of the CBAA, licensed by ACMA and APRA/AMCOS

Mansfield Community Radio, known locally as Radio Mansfield, is a community broadcaster, and a registered charity. We're licenced by the Australian Media and Communications Authority (ACMA) and we hold a community broadcasting licence through APRA/AMCOS. We're members of the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia (CBAA).

We are a 100% volunteer organisation, including presenters and committee of management.

We're also a registered charity with DGR status.

Thanks to our valued sponsors

Euro Fireplaces
Mansfield Heating and Cooling
McGrath Mansfield
Mansfield Vet
Yenckens Timber + Hardware
Cindy McLeish MP, State Member for Eildon
CAOS Concepts
Delatite Hotel
Mansfield Workwear & Branding
Steelwater Pools and Spas