2021 Annual General Meeting

The Committee of Management for Mansfield Community Radio Incorporated is inviting members, sponsors and other interested persons to its Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2021 being held on Thursday November 25 at 6pm at the Mansfield Football & Netball Club rooms in Highett Street, Mansfield.

One of the main purposes of the AGM is the election of members to the Management Committee.  Given the important role that the Management Committee plays in the success of any organisation, all members are being asked to consider being a part of the Committee of Management for 2022. The current Committee believes it is the combination of experienced and new membership which helps to ensure continuity, accountability and the ability to effectively achieve goals.

There will also be a vote on some changes to the Station’s Constitution.

For proxy voting or nomination forms, or details on the changes to the constitution, please email: enquiries@radiomansfield.org.au

Last Updated: 3 November 2021
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Thanks to our valued sponsors

Nutrien Ag Solutions
Grant St Grocer
Mansfield Flooring Xtra
High Country Technology
Mansfield Heating and Cooling
Yenckens Timber + Hardware
Mansfield Garden Supplies
Mansfield Golf Club
Mal Ryan & Glen
Peppin Ridge Estate